We are honoured to have had the opportunity to sponsor and be involved in the DevelopHER Awards again in 2019. Every year of the awards so far have been a great success, celebrating all of the amazing women in technology. However, not only was 2019 the 5th and biggest year so far, but it was also held in our home town Ipswich, and was the best turnout to date.
SyncDevelopHER’s founder, Vickie Allen, is the driving force behind the awards. Establishing them in 2015 and ever since they have done nothing but inspire and fuel the buzz for getting women into tech. The awards aim to raise the profile of women in technology, creating role models who inspire the next generation to start their career in tech.
The awards are a great opportunity for everyone to come together and learn about some of the expectational efforts from the women working in tech in the East Anglia area. They honour a wide range of categories: from technical categories such as Tester and Game Development to the more creative Digital Marketer and One to watch.
Why are we getting involved?
Coderus is not just a software development company, it is a company with active involvement in the community, we like to give back and embrace great initiatives such as this one. At Coderus we are firm believers that development has no barriers and we should encourage more women to get actively involved. We pride ourselves in our efforts to encourage women to get involved in tech, as well as being a company with 1/3 of our employees being female and increasing.
The technology industry is heavily populated by men and this is not a hidden fact, to understand this problem we need to look into why this is. Studies show that girls at younger ages are just as interested in Computer Science and STEM-related studies as boys, but when they get to choose a career path they are diverted away from these sectors. This could be due to the lack of female role models and well-known women in the tech industry.

Even for females who do pursue computer science at the university level, they find themselves being outnumbered by males “82% versus 17%” one of the highest gender disparities in course subjects. And this imbalance isn’t helped by the falling trend of females taking up science, maths and computing courses – Next Generation.
According to The Guardian, 73% of workers in the tech industry (female and male) believe the industry is sexist and there is a work culture problem of ‘brogrammers’ that needs addressing. This information emphasises the importance of events and organisations like SyncDevelopHER, to empower and recognise women who are excelling in the industry. And we need these women to share their success loud and proud to show the younger girls what can be achieved and not to be afraid of technology.
Vickie Allen, the founder of the Awards said:
We are entirely sponsorship funded so a massive thank you to our sponsors who make the whole event possible!
At Coderus we are dedicated to making a difference locally. We do this by supporting charitable organisations that inspire young people such as the Creative Computing Club Charitable Foundation and the wider community, as well as hosting live stream events and encouraging students to get excited about a career in tech. Moreover, our wide range of memberships and accreditations within the company allows each Coderus employee to achieve in a range of professional qualifications.
How to Get Involved in Recognising Amazing Women in Tech
The DevelopHER Awards is an opportunity not to miss out on, whether it’s attending, nominating or sponsoring it’s worth getting involved. If you and your company would like to get involved you can go to the website and follow @SyncDevelopHERon social media for more information; or even just check out who these inspirational women are and what they’ve achieved.
We’d like to congratulate all the nominees and the final winners for not only their recognition at these awards but the impact they have within the tech sector and their amazing work. We hope they continue to thrive and make a difference. Coderus will keep supporting the DevelopHER Awards and other fantastic events for the foreseeable future.