DevelopHER Awards
We are a proud sponsor of the annual DevelopHER Awards recognising women who work in technology across East Anglia and inspiring the next generation of women to join them. The awards aims to raise the profile of women in technology creating role models to inspire the next generation to become developers, technicians, project managers, testers and digital experts.
What are the DevelopHER Awards?
The DevelopHER Awards is an annual not-for-profit awards ceremony founded by Vickie Allen in 2015. The awards aim to raise the profile of women in technology and create role models to inspire future developers, technicians, project managers, testers and digital experts.
Vickie Allen is the Award Sponsor and regularly attends and speaks at the yearly event, promoting gender equality and sharing her passion for creating an equal future for everyone in the tech industry.
Each year, the DevelopHERAwards present local businesses and organisations with the opportunity to nominate friends and colleagues for the awards. You can learn more about the categories available for nominations here.

How has Coderus been involved in the DevelopHER Awards?
Since the DevelopHER Awards first began, Coderus has been a proud sponsor and supporter. By sponsoring the awards, we have been able to build many long-term relationships with women in the local tech community as well as local businesses within the sector, such as StrategiQ Marketing and HUT 42.
In 2017, we sponsored the Innovation Award, which was won by Gabriela Gallegos Garrido, a naturally gifted designer with an innate passion for mobile robotics.
Though the event was unfortunately cancelled as a result of the pandemic, in 2020, we had plans to sponsor the Eye for Design Award which would have recognised the industry’s leading UI/UX designers who are bringing a new level of innovation.